
Craziness of Hearts

Thursday, May 26, 2011


"All the world's a stage, and men and women are merely players; they all have their exits and entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."

How true ladies and gentlemen. This quote applies everyone and never ever leaves anyone dry. We are simply the actors on the stage and we play our parts perfectly. That this world is our stage and we are the people who control it. We take the stand and come into some one's life, whether fate or destiny is at play, we are they ones who make that one decision that changes our entire future, and leads to us to making those entrances in other peoples life.

And our exits. Boy, isnt that the worst part of life. Our exits. When someone dear to us leaves, and they have exited your life. But it isnt completely over, they may so enter again, be it there wish. But than those who chose to permanently leave. Leave the whole stage completely. Those we hope that one day will return to be part of those happy moments stage, those comic moments when life is perfect. Or those sad filled ones when all you need is their shoulder to cry upon. But alas, we know that they are to never return. And we have become their victims.

And lastly, we play many parts.

A women. mother, daughter, grandma, aunt, a sister, a friend, a wife, a lover, a girlfriend....

A man. father, son, grandpa, uncle, a brother, a friend, a husband, a lover, a boyfriend....

Truly in our life we have parts, we have different roles and we try whole heartedly to make the best of them, to do perfect, or prevent failures. We try to succeed in every role.

That is why the world is a stage, and we are the actors...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ode to my Paintbrush


Painting on my easel with a divine grace
Using the paintbrush to create a wondrous face
Swishing and Swirling that amazing tool
Using those colors that are only cool
Creating a painting that will surely be

The most amazing painting that you will ever see
But without the paintbrush this wouldn't be
With the long wooden stick that I hold
And move it everywhere to see what I can unfold
As well as these bristles that obey my every command

Whether it be snow or a far away land
Helping me and motivating me every step of the way
Being my hope and inspiration, I may say
Dancing and Prancing on my painting
Without a pause without a break

Creating something amazing creating something great
With the paintbrush I will surely succeed
Whether I draw the ocean or a flee
May you laugh or may you whine
This is the greatest tool of our time

I have a lot to say about this wondrous tool
But now I'll take it off it's pedestal

By: Me

~Ode~ (Not Finishes) 

Sun ~ Poem


The Sun Shines Brightly
It's heating the morning air
The Sun in shining

By: Me


Pictures ~ Poem


Picture Words A Thousand

For Boy and Girl.
For Husband and Wife.
For Parents and Baby
For Grandpa and Grandma.
For all the others of the world.

Picture affection.
Pictures heart.
Reaches to us.
Pictures words a thousand. 

By: Me
~No-Sentence Poem~


Some times you feel caged by your surrounding and you dont have a way out. You have to live by the social norms of the society and the worst part is that, you have to live by the standards that you have created involuntarily.

Sometimes being the smart has the disadvantages, being the pretty one in school, or the artistic one. Always excelling in whatever you do comes at a high price for everyone. Sure at that moment everything seems wonderful. Having people praise you, and listening to such beautiful comments about something that you did.

Who doesnt want to feel that way...I bet i do...

But there comes a day, a day where you bomb a test, wear sweatpants and shirt, designs something atrocious, unable to bag a contract, or even living up to your child's expectations and the world all of sudden frowns on you. They look at you with a critical eye and now notice your every flaw.

Sure criticism is okay, but somethings people take to the extreme.
In my case personal, when I received a low score on a test and my friend received a better score, she became very proud of herself. And not to get me wrong, I was incredibly proud of her, but after that each day she mentions her victory. And criticizes mine.

Am i not allowed to have a bad day, i am not allowed to be normal and bomb a couple tests.

To have to live by your expectation for me doing wonderful every time, or i can i create my own and follow them...

It that to much to ask?

Monday, May 23, 2011


"If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else."
-Alfred Adler

Not knowing the course at that moment is perfectly justified. Remaining clueless of the path is completely sensible but not knowing where you want to go can lead you to make the most awful mistakes in the end. May cause you to be through off course of a destination that you never had and could have but something wonderful and extravagant. Needing for it just work out in the end is rather primitive thinking.

You can not expect the road in front of to say that 'you want to make to Wall Street' take this road, or 'you want to be a mother' take this one. No, it never works that way. You have to know that you want to be on Wall Street or want to be a mother and than make the right choices and be able to attain whatever you desire. It is not ask and you shall receive. This is cruel world out there and it can swallow you whole.

But if you know what you want and take risks to get it than you will most definitely make it to the right destination. 


"Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much."
- Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde, you are a man of true wisdom. Your quote above should be followed by all because in this world of masochistic ways something that is relatively close to peaceful thinking is always better. Forgiving my enemies would enrage them to such a degree that attacking back at me would create a guilty conscience because i have already forgiven them and they are still harming me. This quote is one of the best quotes every created i must. Oscar Wilde, your quotes seeming make my day brighter....